CMC Klebetechnik GmbH specializes in customer and application-specific solutions. The focus of the activity is the Coating of film-like products with functional and adhesive coatings.
CMC Klebetechnik GmbH has been in existence since the 1950s and has consistently developed its expertise and technical equipment ever since. On a land area of approx. 25,000m², the Frankenthal location in the Palatinate region is home of an office building, the production facility for the conversion department, a development and laboratory building, several warehouses, and two coating plants.
In the own Development Lab modern adhesive formulations are developed to suit applications, e.g. in electrical engineering, the aerospace and automotive industries, and many other sectors. Together with many years of experience in application and technology, experienced and competent consultants develop customized solutions with you - gladly also on site.
A wide variety of film-like materials with functional surfaces are coated on the coating lines, which are state-of-the-art in terms of environmental technology. And what doesn't fit will be customized. This also applies to the formatting options, cutting and die-cutting.
Our suppliers are also important partners for us. They are the well-known manufacturers such as Du Pont, BASF, Mitsubishi, Bayer, Henkel, DOW, Saint Gobain and many more, but also a number of smaller specialists.
Since 1995, CMC Klebetechnik has been certified according to ISO 9001 certified, since 2000 also according to ISO 14001. Many of our standard adhesive tapes are UL listed and in the IMDS system registered by the automotive industry. All adhesive tapes comply with the RoHS regulation and are therefore not subject to any restriction.
Learn more about our quality and environmental policy here.
Our guiding principles
We are member:
CMC Klebetechnik GmbH is a member of the ZVEI (Zentralverband der Elektrotechnischen Industrie), the VDE (Verband der deutschen Elektrotechnik ) and the Fachverband der Zulieferindustrie Transformatoren und Motoren.
CMC Klebetechnik participates in various working committees of the DKE, ZVEI and other organizations on future-oriented topics such as
DKE, ZVEI and other organizations
- Consequences of the EU's "Ecodesign Directive
- Contactless charging of electric vehicles via induction
- Special requirements of high-voltage DC transmission lines (HVDC)
- Harmonization of charging power supplies for mobile devices and their connections
- More energy-efficient power transformers for energy supply savings
- Electronic control of the motor speed of electric motors instead of mechanical or electrical choking
- DC power supply of buildings and devices of IT and consumer electronics to avoid conversion losses and to use energy more efficiently (alternative energy generation by solar modules)
- Reduction of the energy demand of server farms for cooling or air conditioning
- Low-pressure gas discharge lamps with electrodeless, inductive energy coupling
DKE committees
K181 Solid electrical insulating materials
K183 Evaluation of Electrical Insulating Materials and Electrical Insulating Systems
K323 Transformers, chokes and power supplies up to 1100 VAC
Here you can find some technical articles of the ZVEI:
cmc Klebetechnik GmbH is part of the cmc group
CMC Klebetechnik GmbH belongs, along with eight other companies, to the independent and owner-managed group of companies of the cmc Group.
In 1947, the CMC Group starts with Colora GmbH in the office chemicals sector, i.e. at that time with carbon papers and ink ribbons. Own production plants and companies, which also work for other industries, are added. From the beginnings of chemical office supplies and plastics processing for organizational materials, the "cmc Group", which is still a private group of companies, developed.