IEC 60505 - Basic standard for estimating the ageing of electrical insulation systems Equipment standards, for example, are based on their test and analysis methods. While IEC 60664 , as the basic standard for insulation coordination , is primarily concerned with the behavior of insula... Elektrotechnik Normen und Standards
Six standards of electrical engineering Numerous insulation materials are used to ensure that electrical equipment and devices can be operated reliably and safely. In the low-voltage range, plastics dominate. To be able to use them safely, ... Elektrotechnik Normen und Standards
Basics of bonding and adhesive properties Generally known conditions for good bonding are: the surface of the substrate to be pasted must be free of grease and dust and dry. strong pressing during bonding increases the adhesive force. But thi... Belastungsarten Verklebung Kleber Klebertypen
Electrochemical migration From gluing Gluing is a very old joining technique. For a long time, nobody really knew why adhesives stick at all. It wasn't until around 130 years ago that chemists and physicists set out to track d... Elektrische Isolation Kapton Nomex
Isolation failure reasons Download Introduction Temperature Voltage (stress, partial discharge) Frequency Behavior in the event of pollution (environment) Constructive measures Other possible causes Influence maximum stake hei... Elektrische Isolation Versagensgründe für Isolation
Electrochemical migration The ever-increasing requirements in terms of packing density, power density and price-value necessitate measures that represent a balance between requirements profile and property profile. This is par... CTI Elektrische Isolation Kriechstrom
UL 1446, Issue 7 - Everything New? Users of insulation systems such as transformer manufacturers or electric motor manufacturers are very familiar with this UL standard. Historically, the standard is very old and has not changed signif... Elektroisoliersystem (EIS) Normen und Standards UL 1446
CTI - Insulation materials with good resistance to creep path formation Insulation materials with good resistance to creepage. Why the CTI value is becoming increasingly important in the electrical future of renewable energies. Electrical power is the product of voltage a... CTI Elektrische Isolation Kriechstrom
Water vapor permeability of various plastic films The permeability to water vapor depends in many cases on parameters: Film thickness Humidity difference Temperature However, some engineering plastics are more suitable as vapor barriers than others. ... Folien Wasserdampfdurchlässigkeit
Importance of tracking resistance of insulating materials for developers Bereits vor der Hochvolttechnik im Rahmen der E-Mobility war die Beständigkeit von Isolierwerkstoffen gegenüber Kriechströmen in der Solarindustrie ein wichtiger Kennwert. Nun, mit Kreisspannungen bis... CTI Elektrische Isolation Kriechstrom Materialermüdung Teilentladung
Load types for insulation materials Wie jedes Bauteil in Anwendung unterliegen auch elektrische Isolationen einer Alterung . Verschiedene Mechanismen beschleunigen diesen Vorgang und müssen je nach geforderter Betriebssicherheit berücks... Elektrische Isolation Versagensgründe für Isolation
850 V high voltage Der Sprung von 400V Betriebsspannung auf 850V ist nicht einfach nur eine Verdopplung der Spannung – es entstehen neue, zusätzliche Randbedingungen, die zu beachten sind. Die Isolationskoordination der... Elektrische Isolation IEC 60664 Normen und Standards Teilentladung